Quilt – Knit – Crochet


Our quilting, knitting and crocheting group gathers at 9:30 AM on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. All are welcome. No experience is necessary. We have members that have graciously offered to teach those willing to learn. Yarn and crochet needles are available for newcomers to use.

We all work together in the teachers’ lounge at Grace Center where we can visit and share a cup of coffee or tea together. Some folks work at tying quilts while others knit or crochet prayer shawls.

Please enter through the sixth street door. All are welcome!

Our Thimble Ministry is part of this group. This ministry creates beautiful prayer shawls which are prepared with love and blessings to comfort you or a loved one in a time of illness or need.
 Please contact the church office if you or a family member is in need of a prayer shawl.