Our Transition Process

After six dynamic years of ministry, we blessed Pastor Emmy Kegler as she transitioned to the vocation of full-time parenting. Now the Holy Spirit is inviting us to a new vocation: discerning how to join Jesus in our community!

Look at the following graphic that interprets how Grace will discern God’s call, listen to the Spirit, and welcome a pastor who will help you join Jesus in this time and place.

This graphic is one way to envision the process of how Grace will discern God’s call, listen to the Spirit, and welcome a pastor who will help us join Jesus in this time and place.

Goal 1: Know your neighbors

You can’t love your neighbor as yourself if you don’t know them, after all. Instead of turning inward, asking, “Who are we?” we turn outward to the community to learn about the Northeast Minneapolis of today. That’s where Jesus is already hanging out: in coffee shops and breweries, in restaurants and artists’ studios, in churches and masjids, in nonprofits and schools.

Goal 2: Discern your mission

Next, we listen for God’s call to our congregation. When we met our neighbors, where did our hearts stir with the Spirit’s urging? How is the Spirit bestowing gifts and energy to answer God’s call to join Jesus in the world? Discernment takes time, but the strong vision for mission that we build is worth it.

Goal 3: Get clear about leadership

What does Grace’s next pastor need to do to help you live into your vision? Get specific: no one will be surprised that you want a strong preacher; instead, intrigue candidates with invitations to action that show that you are eager to follow Jesus among this lovely and lively collection of neighbors.

Are seasons of transition easy? Goodness no! But they are creative, curious, and open to delightful possibilities. As Grace journeys through this season, pray for your transition team members and stay connected to them: Jonathan Hamlow (he/him); Bella Hanson (she/her); Sandy Carlson-Kortebein (she/her); Jon Olsen (they/them); Kathy Schadendorf (she/her); Sue Traxler (she/her); Nick Zeimet (he/him); and Daniel Ditmanson (he/him, they/them), representing Queer Grace Community.

Onward in the Spirit!