Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church of Northeast Minneapolis!
Join us on Sundays for worship at 10am,
at Grace Center or online.
Worship is streamed live on Facebook at 10am on Sundays. Set aside some food and drink for Holy Communion, the meal where Jesus makes us one no matter where we worship.
This Sunday, September 8, 2024, is a special day: “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday! United with Christ we are freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve joyfully. With our family of churches we set aside an annual day of service to celebrate and live out this conviction.
After a brief worship service, we will bear God’s creative and redeeming word into the world through our service projects—quilt tying for SACA, packaging diapers for Little Kitchen, picking up trash in the neighborhood, and practicing for community safety with our annual fire drill. Download the worship bulletin.
What’s new at Grace? Unroll “The Scroll”!
Every week we publish an electronic newsletter, “The Scroll,” filled with news from the community, a calendar of upcoming events, and an invitation to pray for neighbors near and far. Click here to sign up!
Grace Lutheran Church is the home of Little Kitchen Food Shelf, a no-boundaries, no-restrictions food shelf serving Northeast Minneapolis and beyond. We serve all people. In addition, we stock dog and cat food to feed the companion animals of neighbors in need.