Grace Lutheran Church
Located at Grace Center for Community Life
1500 6th Street Northeast
(2 Blocks NE of Broadway & University)
Minneapolis MN 55413
Phone: (612) 788-2444

Grace Lutheran Church is located in NE Minneapolis. Please see lower right corner of your screen for an interactive Google map and directions from your location.
How to get to Grace Lutheran Church
From the West on I-394: Take 394 to 94W, exit at Broadway Ave W, go EAST across Mississippi River to Broadway St NE, take Broadway to 5th St NE (two blocks past University Ave NE), go north (left) on 5th St NE for two blocks to 15th Ave NE, Grace Center is on your right.
From the North on I-94: Take 94E, exit at Broadway Ave W, go EAST (left) on Broadway across Mississippi River to Broadway St NE, take Broadway to 5th St NE (two blocks past University Ave NE), go north (left) on 5th St NE for two blocks to 15th Ave NE, Grace Center is on your right.
From the South on I-94: Take 94W, exit at Broadway Ave W, go EAST across Mississippi River to Broadway St NE, take Broadway to 5th St NE (two blocks past University Ave NE), go north (left) on 5th St NE for two blocks to 15th Ave NE, Grace Center is on your right.
From the East on Hwy 36: Take Hwy 36, exit on 35W SOUTH, take the Stinson exit, go NORTH (right) on Stinson, go WEST ( left) on 18th Ave NE, go SOUTH (left) Monroe St NE, go WEST (right) on 15th Ave NE, go NORTH (right) on 5th St NE, Grace Center is on your right.