Welcome to Grace Lutheran Church of Northeast Minneapolis!

Join us on Sundays for worship at 10am,
at Grace Center or online.

Worship is streamed live on Facebook at 10am on Sundays. Set aside some food and drink for Holy Communion, the meal where Jesus makes us one no matter where we worship.

Following Jesus into the future, we are reflecting on our mission during the current season of worship. This Sunday, February 23, God renews, reconciles, and reaches out to the world through us—members of the body of Christ, glimpses of the new creation. Download the worship bulletin.

What’s new at Grace? Unroll “The Scroll”!

Every week we publish an electronic newsletter, “The Scroll,” filled with news from the community, a calendar of upcoming events, and an invitation to pray for neighbors near and far. Click here to sign up!

Journey with Grace this Lent

Our Lenten journey begins on Ash Wednesday. Gather for worship at 6:30pm on March 5 to contemplate human frailty and God’s faithfulness.

On Sundays, traveling companions—including our new pastor—will show how Jesus, always alongside us, turns familiar stories upside-down.

Be nourished at Midweek Soup and Sung Prayer on Wednesdays in Lent, starting March 12. Connect over a simple supper at 6pm and open your heart in prayer at 6:30pm.

On this journey, navigate between so-called opposites, like “faith & works,” and discover that God is present in between, in the full spectrum of life. Learn more about this worship series created by our friends at A Sanctified Art.

Grace Lutheran Church is the home of Little Kitchen Food Shelf, a no-boundaries, no-restrictions food shelf serving Northeast Minneapolis and beyond. We serve all people. In addition, we stock dog and cat food to feed the companion animals of neighbors in need.

Información en español / Information in Spanish

Where is Little Kitchen Food Shelf? How do I register? We’re located in Grace Center for Community Life (1525 5th St NE) at Door 3. If you’re visiting LKFS for the first time, call 612-788-2444 to register.

Volunteers keep our community fed! Find a time to make a difference at our SignUpGenius page or contact LKFS Coordinator Lynn Mena at admin@gracenempls.org.