Sunday Faith Formation

Sunday School

Sunday School is held after our Worship Service and the children have had time to share in fellowship with the congregation as a whole and to get a snack (healthy choices like fruit, veggies and cheese are usually an option).  We gather at 11:15.

We offer Sunday School for age 3 through 6th grade. Classes are taught by volunteer teachers. We use curriculum by Augsburg Fortress. Spark Lectionary Model curriculum is used for the younger grades; the lessons match with a text in each week’s worship service. The Spark curriculum provides creative ways for the teachers to make the text meaningful at levels the children can understand. Sunday School ends at noon. The children usually get in a bit of playtime in the gym or outdoors on the playground while they wait for their parents to come pick them up.

The Sunday School also gets involved in service projects to learn how to put their faith in action. Service projects have included making Valentines for homebound members and hosting a Palm Sunday brunch fund-raiser to benefit a charity of their choice.

Sunday School is in session on the Sundays between Labor Day and Memorial Day, with the exception of Thanksgiving weekend, the two Sundays near Christmas and New Year’s Day, and on Easter Sunday. During the Christmas season, we bring our Sunday School kids and Confirmation students together for our Christmas pageant!


Confirmation is held for youth in grades 7-9 from September through May. Confirmation meets during our education hour, 11:15-noon, at Grace Center. Lunch is provided each week for the students and adults.

Adult Education

During our fellowship time (11:15-noon), we often offer adult education and discipleship opportunities. Events have included presenters from within our congregation as well as members of the larger community. Content has included a wide variety of topics important in our lives as followers of Christ.