Sunday Worship – 10am at Grace Center and on Facebook. Sing your prayers and praise, hear the Word, and gather around Jesus’ table.
Coffee Hour and Education Time
After worship, enjoy a cup of coffee and build community! We have a dedicated team of Sunday School teachers for our youngest members and host occasional adult education series.

Sign up for “The Scroll”
Every week we public an electronic newsletter, “The Scroll,” filled with news from the community, a calendar of upcoming events, and an invitation to pray for neighbors near and far. Click here to sign up or catch up on a past issue below.

Free Community Dinner
On the fourth Saturday of the month, at 5:30pm, sit down with your neighbors in Northeast and enjoy a fabulous and free meal prepared by a local business or community group.
November and December meals are held on the third Saturdays.
Are you part of a group that likes to give back? Maybe your workplace has a community service team? Think about cooking for our neighbors! Learn more and sign up here.
On first and third Tuesdays, 9:30 – 12pm, folks gather in the New City teachers’ lounge to create tangible expressions of God’s love. Come knit or crochet a prayer shawl for dear ones in the hospital or at home, or help tie a quilt that will be donated to Southern Anoka County Assistance (SACA).

Grace Center Board Meeting
Second Wednesday of the month, 6pm.
Interested in learning more about the work of Grace Center for Community Life? Reach out to Executive Director Lorrie Stromme at lorrie@gracectr.org.
Grace Lutheran Church Council Meeting
Third Wednesday of the month, 6:30pm. Have a suggestion for ministry for Council members to consider? Reach out to President Brenna Zeimet at brennazeimet@gmail.com.