Free Summer Produce Distributions

Little Kitchen Food Shelf is hosting a free summer produce distribution this Saturday!! Please join us, all are welcome!! Rain or shine!!

When: This Saturday, June 20, 12-2pm

Free and open to the community, no pre-registration or ID/proofs needed! Masks required; social distancing enforced. For more information, please call 612-788-2444.

This event is the first in a series of free summer produce distributions taking place on the third Saturdays of June through September (July 18, August 15, and September 19).

LKFS Coronavirus Plan of Operation

In an effort to continue serving our clients but also align with current state and federal guidelines concerning the Coronavirus pandemic, Little Kitchen Food Shelf will temporarily switch to a pickup-only system of distribution, consisting of pre-packed bags of essential food staples, personal items, and fresh produce.
Monday and Tuesday, 3/16 and 3/17
The food shelf will be closed.
Wednesday, 3/18
The food shelf will be closed, but volunteers will be needed to help pack bags between 9am-2pm.
Thursday and Friday, 3/19 and 3/20
Food shelf will be open regular hours these two days, however clients will NOT be allowed inside the building. All pre-registered households will receive pre-packed bags of groceries, and we will follow the normal once-every-four-weeks rule. However, we will only allow pre-registration via the phone—no in-person pre-registration will be allowed during this time.
Week of March 23
Food shelf will be open for all normally scheduled hours, but we will continue following the pickup-only system for the entire week. At the end of the week we will determine our plan for the following week of March 30.
We are requesting a few volunteers on the following days/times to help pack bags, and we are also hoping all previously-scheduled volunteers will be willing/able to come in for their shift. But of course, we do not want anyone to come in if they are feeling sick or if they are uncomfortable helping out in the food shelf during this time. 
Volunteers are needed to help pack bags on these days/times:
Wednesday, March 18, 9am-2pm
Tuesday, March 24, 9am-2pm
Thursday, March 26, 9am-2pm