Healthy Food Shelf Policy Links

We recognize that nutrition is a vital factor in maintaining health and preventing chronic disease. Research has shown that people experiencing food insecurity are at the highest risk for obesity and other diet-related illnesses. Everyone accessing a hunger relief program needs access to healthy foods. How can we mindfully and respectfully influence outcomes in our community through our choices as a food shelf? As part of our Healthy Food Shelf Mini-Grant through the Minneapolis Health Department in 2015, we are examining our policies around food sourcing, donation acceptance, and the nutritional needs of our customers. Abundant healthy food is a human right. With this belief we will move forward, and we welcome the opinions of our neighbors and constituents. If you would like to share your thoughts or ask a question, please email food shelf manager Jennifer Schultz at

CWH_Sample Nutrition Policy

Presentation The Health & Diet Rationale for a Nutrition Policy_All 2.9.15

Click the links above to view these documents and web sites.