Racial Justice Conversations start June 10

Our Racial Justice Workgroup began with a small group of committed members attending a local conference on Race and Privilege in 2016. From there we continued to discuss how we understand race, privilege, and justice, and began to plan further educational opportunities for ourselves and for our whole congregation.

The Racial Justice Workgroup invites you to a monthly summer conversation series. Throughout the summer, we will explore three questions:

1. What is the history of race and racial justice?

2. How does that history affect us now?

3. How can we apply what we learn to love our neighbors better?

We will gather after worship during fellowship time, 11:15am-noon. Each event will include suggested readings or videos beforehand, and will have conversations and activities to help us engage with these ideas.

Come and learn with us!


June 10 Resources

Video: RACE: Are We So Different? produced by The American Anthropological Association (AAA) video introduction. Learn about RACE and unlearning racism: www.understandingRACE.org

Reading: “A Revealing Timeline of Race Relations In the U.S.” Oprah.com, www.oprah.com/inspiration/timeline-of-race-relations-in-america.

Video: What is Privilege? from Buzzfeed

Article: “A History: The Construction of Race and Racism” Dismantling Racism Project Western States Center from www.westernstatescenter.org.


Further Reading

Smith, V Chapman. “American Anti-Slavery and Civil Rights Timeline.” Ushistory.org, Independence Hall Association, www.ushistory.org/more/timeline.htm.

Ladies Tea Luncheon

Saturday, May 5, 2018 at 1 PM

Ladies TeaIt’s time for mothers, daughters, sisters and friends to gather at this annual, elegant event. The tea will be held in Mary & Martha’s Tea Room (AKA the Grace Center Multipurpose Room).

Tickets are as follows:
Ladies: $15.00
Young Ladies (5 – 12 yrs): $7.00
Little Ladies (under 5 yrs): No Charge

Reservations are requested by May 2 (or earlier), seating is limited. For tickets, please see or contact Jennifer Fischer (612-781-1117 or Snooky1022@comcast.net) or call the church office at 612-788-2444.

The tea is a fundraiser; $5 of the $15 ticket is tax deductible. Hats are strongly encouraged, and no jeans please.

The event will include a quilt raffle and small marketplace available before and after the tea. If you would like to donate handmade items for sale in the marketplace, the MDSF Tea Team suggests items that are knitted, crocheted, sewn, embroidered, cross-stitched, or are jewelry or ceramics. If you have questions about what to donate, please see or speak with Jennifer Fischer or Kathy Munson.

Loving Our (Signing) Neighbor

How do we respond to panhandlers?

As the weather warms up, “signers” (also known as panhandlers) return to street corners and highway off-ramps. There are a lot of questions and concerns that surround signers and how we should best care for them.

Pastor Margaret Kelly rejoins us to lead a Family Faith forum where we ask and answer these questions with compassion and grace. 11:15-noon on Sunday after worship in the Commons.

Benefit Game Night for LKFS!

Join us for another all-ages game night to benefit the Little Kitchen Food Shelf!

Suggested donation of $5. All proceeds benefit the Little Kitchen Food Shelf, serving up to 600 families a month all across the metro. You can give in person or online at gracenempls.org/donate.

Feel free to bring games or snacks to share. All board and card games welcome!

Saturday November 25, 2017, 4-7pm

Undie Sunday on November 19

We have been invited by THE DRAWER ministry to join them in their collection of new socks and underwear for those in need by hosting an Undie Sunday!

We are invited to bring NEW socks and underwear for men, women, and children who are in need this coming Sunday November 19. Leaders from THE DRAWER will join us after worship to collect and count our offering of socks and underwear, and to take them to community organization that can distribute them directly to those most in need.

Joining with THE DRAWER in providing NEW items for those in deep need is a natural extension of the incredible work already being done in our food shelf.

Please support this ministry by living into our call to clothe those in need, and bring a pack (or more!) of new socks or underwear to worship this Sunday!